Friday, March 22, 2019

Composite Materials- Lupine Publishers

New Advances in Environmental Friendly Materials by Aloe Vera in Modern Approaches on Material Science in Lupine Publisher

This last decade has been characterized by the acquisition of new materials based on the biomass, with the objective of replacing the materials obtained from petroleum derivatives, due to the high costs, added to the fact that they are non-renewable inputs and as a measure of the preservation of the environment [1]. In all areas of study has been this responsibility of searching for new and versatile materials. Packaging, medical materials, agro-industry.

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Friday, March 15, 2019

Polymers_ Lupine Publishers

Corrosion of Snails in H2CO3 Medium and Their Protection by Aloe Vera in Modern Approaches on Material Science in Lupine Publishers

Snails are beautiful creation of nature. They occur in rivers as well as ponds. But these sources of water are contaminated by effluents, pollutants, acid rain, particulates, biological wastes etc. They can change the pH of water. Water is absorber of carbon dioxide and it converts carbon dioxide into carbonic. Other above-mentioned wastes also increase the concentration of H+ ions in water. They produce hostile environment for snails. The outer part of snails is made of CaCO3. It produces chemical reaction in acidic medium and corrosion reaction is accelerated thus deterioration starts on the surface of snails. This medium their survival becomes miserable.

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Happy Thanksgiving 2022!!!

                      Thanksgiving is a joyous invitation to shower the world with love and gratitude. Forever on Thanksgiving the heart wil...